Getting Started with Online Homeschool for Kids: Step by step guide
- School@Home
- 08 Jun, 2021
- 5 Mins Read
It is an overwhelming idea to start homeschooling, but it is essential to learn how to do it the right way. You need to remember that learning at home for kids is entirely different from going to a school; however, the aim is the same- to learn.
Whether a child studies at a public school or a homeschool, he will take the required time to learn things, the way he does when learning how to walk and talk. Before diving into how to get started with homeschooling, let’s first clarify exactly what is homeschooling and why is it a great option today.
As the term suggests, homeschooling is the way for enabling education for the children at home under the guidance of parents, instead of going to a school.
There are several reasons parents opt for school at home today, such as they find classroom approach less effective, make the children learn in the way that works for them, flexibility, personalized curriculum, etc aside from the fact that we are still living in the era of pandemic.
There are times when the ability of a child to learn new things is different from others. With classroom learning, they may lag in consuming the things taught in school. Homeschool for a 3-year old or 4-year old allows parents to customize the way their children learn things and pave the way to a bright future.
Regardless of the benefits, the parents need to understand that the approach to homeschool preschool learning will differ from classroom learning. Since we all have experienced a school mode of education, things might become challenging while getting started with online homeschool programs. Some things done at a school are not required in case of homeschooling.
It is a completely different way of education. You don’t need to indulge in a strict curriculum and guidelines the way it is done in schools. If you don’t realize the differences between homeschool and public school, you wouldn’t be able to make the most of this new school model.
How to start homeschool?
In this guide, we have curated a step-by-step process for you to learn how to start homeschooling.
The first step is to learn to get over the typical schooling methods so that homeschooling doesn’t become like traditional schooling. This is called the idea of deschooling. This is a crucial step for both parents and children while shifting to the homeschooling model.
Every state has its distinct guidelines and requirements for homeschooling. These are managed solely by the state government, instead of the central government. You have to check and read all the legal requirements before switching to homeschooling so that you don’t end up in legal procedures.
You can visit the official website of your state government to learn about required guidelines and policies. Most of the state guidelines aren’t quite challenging to adopt, so you don’t have to worry much about it. But you have to ensure that you comply with the laws for homeschooling. For instance, some state governments require parents to have a diploma or college degree to start homeschooling.
A common mistake some parents make while looking out for these guidelines is to seek local schools. Private and public schools will try to convince you to avoid homeschooling as their job is to bring as many students to schools as they can. They will not provide the correct information or may try to confuse you.
For the successful development of homeschool, it is recommended that you find a local community of homeschoolers and become a part of it. This community can be virtual (online), like a group on Facebook or WhatsApp, or in person. The community will have many other parents like you who are starting or practicing homeschooling.
You will be able to learn new tips, encouragement, and support in running an effective homeschool for your kids. You can enrol your kids into several co-curricular activities like outings, sports, trips, etc., which are not possible if you do things alone. You will be able to prevent your kids from isolation and separation anxiety.
Additionally, communities are also great for learning the legal state regulations and understand everything initially.
What is your motive behind choosing to homeschool over traditional schooling? Why do you want to do that? Jot down the reasons clearly, so that if you feel demotivated down the line in the middle of the year, you can encourage yourself with the goals and motives.
Once you have discovered the WHY, then move to the HOW part. What will you do to accomplish your goals? There is no ideal approach to achieving your targets with homeschooling. So, you may create a personalized strategy and plan for your child based on your routine and suggestions from your family’s lifestyle.
For instance, if both the father and mother are working professionals, then they will have to take the approach differently by adjusting the routine and maintaining a work-life balance. You need to be creative and juggling to meet the requirements of homeschooling.
On the other hand, children with special needs will require a different approach. But the great thing is that homeschool is the best option for such kids, to have someone from family always around and get help whenever required.
Every child is different. There is no one-size-fits-all procedure that works the best for all children. That’s why you must understand the way your child learns, the things that motivate them in learning faster, and the right time during the day for learning.
For example, some kids learn better when they practice things, while others like to watch and listen.
Based on these preferences, you will have to craft a teaching method and lay a solid foundation for homeschooling. Then, choose a curriculum for them, while incorporating their learning preferences and things they enjoy.
The best way to accelerate learning in children is by incorporating games in everything. Playing engages them and helps you to set and meet your homeschooling goals more efficiently.
Let’s talk about the learning resources and curriculum to be used for 4, 5 and 6-year-old homeschoolers. These resources will help in building a relationship with them, engaging them in learning, developing new skills, and achieving the motives of homeschooling.
Reading: You must read to your child the books, stories, etc. regularly and also make them practice the same. You should also try to show the practical version of what is being read. For example, if you are reading about cooking a dish, show them by doing it step by step.
Walking: Take them for a walk in the morning or evening so that they can explore things, see the world from their perspective, and experience natural creations like gardens, parks, etc. You can also tell them the spelling of the things they see, like T for Tree, R for Road, and so on. This will make the process of learning efficient and quick.
Library: Libraries can intrigue the interest of children in reading. They can understand the way books are filed and kept and much more.
Visit Museums, Zoos, New Places: While teaching them, you will mention a lot of new things, like birds, animals, nature, etc. By making them see all these things personally, you can accelerate their learning process. They will be able to relate to what is being taught and will love studying more.
Maps: It is not about boring world and country maps. Initially, you have to try sketching the maps of your streets and locality. For instance, you can draw a map from your home to a park nearby. This is a fun activity for kids to engage them in the maps. In the long run, they will find it interesting to understand the geographical maps of states, countries, and the world.
Interesting books: Buy some interesting curriculum books using which they can learn alphabets, Hindi Varnmala, counting, poems, short stories, etc. Ensure that you choose the right books that have animated photos, cartoons, and bold characters.
Videos: There are plenty of videos available on the internet today meant especially for kids. Using these videos, the kids can learn how to pronounce alphabets, numbers, poems, sounds of swar and vyanjans, and much more.
Most of the parents worry about maintaining and improving the homeschool records because these determine how well the children have learned and understood the things.
You should keep a grade book in the form of a spreadsheet, notebook, or even a diary. Based on these grades, create monthly or quarterly report cards. Show these to your kids to show them their progress. Reward them when they show improvement by taking them to a restaurant, theme parks, etc. This will encourage them to learn more.
Hope you found this guide to homeschooling very useful to start a homeschool for your kid this year. By following the steps mentioned above, you can pave the way to learning with confidence and engage the kids easily into studies. Don’t forget to keep track of the legal requirements to avoid legal issues.
Have any questions related to starting homeschooling? Let us know using the comments below.